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Extract Website Content

To get a deep dive into all available environment variables refer to server.config.ts.

Lecca.io provides a way to easily allow users to extract content from websites in their workflows or allow their agents to do.

These actions uses apify to search the web. A few things need to be done for this feature to be enabled.


  1. Go to Apify
  2. Create an account
  3. Generate an Api Key


This key is used for extracting dynamic content from websites (javascript enabled).

  1. Create a task from the apify/website-content-crawler actor.
  2. Modify the crawler settings to whatever limit of pages you want (I set mine to 1).
  3. Use the task ID for the environment variable, APIFY_EXTRACT_DYNAMIC_CONTENT_TASK_ID


This key is used for extracting content from static websites.

  1. Create a task from the apify/cherio-scraper actor.
  2. Modify the crawler settings to whatever limit of pages you want (I set mine to 1).
  3. Use the task ID for the environment variable, APIFY_EXTRACT_STATIC_CONTENT_TASK_ID

Add all Api Keys to environment varibles

Once they are added as environment variables, the ServerConfig will pull them in automatically.

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