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Docker compose



Initial Setup

  1. Setup environment variables

    Run the setup-env.sh or setup-env.ps1 scripts in the ./scripts directory to generate a .env file for you or you can manually generate your .env file using the .env.example file as a reference.

    If on Mac or Linux Make the script executable. chmod +x ./scripts/setup-env.sh then run the script ./script/setup-env.sh

    If on Windows run the script ./scripts/setup-env.ps1

    This script will override any existing .env file you already have. So this is mainly used when you are setting up things for the first time.

  2. Start the application:

    docker compose up -d

    This command will:

    • Create necessary networks and volumes
    • Pull all required Docker images
    • Start all services (PostgreSQL, Server, and UI)

    You should now be able to navigate to your CLIENT_URL and use the platform.

Managing Your Application

Checking Services Status

Check if all services are running:

docker compose ps

Viewing Logs

View logs for all services:

docker compose logs

View logs for specific services:

# UI logs
docker compose logs ui
# Server logs
docker compose logs server
# Database logs
docker compose logs postgres
# Follow logs in real-time (add -f flag)
docker compose logs -f server

Stopping and Starting Services

Stop all services:

docker compose down

Start all services:

docker compose up -d

Complete Cleanup

To remove all containers, networks, and volumes:

docker compose down -v

Using the -v flag will remove all volumes and delete your database data. Only use this if you want to completely reset your installation.


Common Issues

  1. Services won't start

    # Check for port conflicts
    docker compose ps
    # Check detailed logs
    docker compose logs

    Common causes:

    • Port conflicts (5173, 9094, or 5432 already in use)
    • Environment variables not set correctly
    • Insufficient permissions
  2. Database connection issues

    # Check database health
    docker compose ps postgres
    # Check database logs
    docker compose logs postgres

    Common causes:

    • Incorrect database credentials in .env
    • Database initialization failed
    • Volume permissions issues
  3. Server can't connect to database

    # Check server logs
    docker compose logs server

    Common causes:

    • DATABASE_URL not properly configured
    • Database not ready when server starts
    • Network issues between containers

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